Hands from a food truck window passing salad rolls to another set of hands

Jesse's Story

When job seeker Jesse joined Global Skills Disability Employment Services, she was determined to gain work despite physical challenges from previous cancer treatment.

Jesse had been undergoing treatment and a period of recovery in the five years leading up to being connected with her Penrith Employment Consultant Munazzah. Jesse was provided with comprehensive support tailored to her needs. This included pre-vocational support including confidence training, career exploration, self-marketing strategies and guidance on navigating the hidden job market.

In early March 2024, utilising her new job search skills, Jesse found a food truck driving role and successfully secured an interview. Munazzah further supported Jesse with mock interview sessions relevant to the role, ensured the role was suitable for her limitations and Jesse got the job. Global Skills has continued to support Jesse with practical assistance and workplace mentoring, including orthopaedic shoes to support her health circumstances and fuel vouchers. Congratulations to Jesse who has now reached her 6-month employment milestone.

(Note: Name has been changed for privacy reasons)