middle aged man standing in front of a vector networking graphic

We Can Help

Have you been referred to Global Skills Workforce Australia or Transition to Work employment service and want to know more? We can help.

Our Customer Support Centre is accessible to all Global Skills job seekers, even if you have not had your first appointment with us.

Our experienced team is available to answer any questions you have about the new services and what you can expect from us.

From your first appointment, you will be connected with your dedicated Employment Consultant who can answer any further questions you may have. Together, we will build your personal plan based on your individual circumstances, strengths, needs and preferences. You will have choice and flexibility in how you meet your mutual obligations and receive tailored support to reach your goals.

We look forward to supporting you at all stages of your employment journey, including after you start work.

Our Customer Support Centre team can be reached between the hours of 8.45am and 5pm, Monday to Friday, by phone: 02 4732 1469 or email: support@globalskills.com.au

For more information on our job seeker services, go to globalskills.com.au/job-seekers

Download our Workforce Australia brochure at globalskills.com.au/workforceaustralia

Download our Transition to Work flyer at globalskills.com.au/transitiontowork