young man wearing hearing aids

World Hearing Day 3 March 2023: Accessible Workplaces

Today, 3 March 2023 is World Hearing Day. A day which promotes ear and hearing care across the world and raises awareness of how to prevent deafness and hearing loss. It is also a good time for Global Skills to encourage all employers to ensure their workplace is inclusive and accessible to employees who are hearing impaired.

One in six Australians currently suffer from hearing impairment which is caused by a wide variety of factors, for example, it can be present from birth. However, it can also occur later on in life, due to long-term exposure to loud noise as well as ageing. Hearing impairment exists on a spectrum from mild hearing loss to profound deafness.

With workplace adjustments, employees with a hearing impairment can do their job as easily as anyone else. These adjustments consist largely of awareness training and communication in the workplace and, depending on the type and extent of hearing loss and the type of industry a person works in, include a range of supports. Examples include the use of Auslan interpreters – either in person or via the National Relay Service/Video Relay Service for employees with profound hearing loss to placing hard of hearing employees in the middle and towards the front of the room during meetings if hearing is almost the same in both ears, or position them with their ‘better’ ear towards the source of the sound.

It’s important to remember that all deaf and hearing impaired people have different communication needs. Adjustments should be tailored towards the wishes and needs of the person with a hearing impairment.

If you would like more information or support to access Auslan interpreters, assistive technology or Deaf Awareness Training, contact Global Skills Disability Employment Services.

Phone 02 4732 1469 or email to be connected with our team.