Author: Sandra Harries

William Celebrates Six Months of Ongoing Employment

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William recently celebrated six months of ongoing employment. He also took the time to write a heartfelt thank you for the support he received from Global Skills St Marys.

Global Skills Partners with MECA’s Youth Mentoring Program


The Safer Communities Grant, funded by the Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources, has enabled the Mount Druitt Ethnic Communities Agency (MECA) and its partners to commence a new Youth Mentoring Program. Global Skills is proud to partner with MECA, as their employment service partner, to deliver the Program at Chifley College Bidwill Campus.

Steven Starts Work Two Days After Joining Global Skills


“The day after my first appointment with Global Skills, they arranged an interview with their employer Makibe. My interview went well and I started work the very next day. I am very happy with the service I received.”

National Skills Week 2022

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The National Skills Week theme for 2022: A Universe of Skills, go beyond your imagination, encourages people to discover careers, pathways and opportunities in skills and Vocational Education that they may not know about, thought about or even imagined.

Global Skills Disability Employment Services (DES) teams awarded 4 and 5-star ratings

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We are excited to announce that our Fairfield ESA Disability Employment Services (DES) team (Fairfield, Cabramatta and Wetherill Park offices) has been awarded a maximum 5-star rating in the latest DES Star Rating results. Our Nepean ESA Disability Employment Services team (Katoomba, Penrith, Windsor and St Marys) also received an impressive 4-star rating performance result.