Author: Sandra Harries

Apprenticeship and Traineeship Opportunities

a variety of tools

Global Skills is hosting a virtual event to showcase the vast array of Apprenticeship and Traineeship opportunities in Sydney for all Global Skills job seekers.

Congratulations Tracey


With a new year, brings a fresh start and 2022 has had a positive start for Tracey. She has just landed a great job in the disability sector after participating in an online Disability Support Worker Program.

Industries in Demand: Retail

cash register

Our ‘Industries in Demand’ series highlights individual industries experiencing a high demand for labour and the types of jobs they offer. The second in our series covers the Retail Industry, Australia’s second largest employing industry.

Congratulations Early Childhood Education and Care Trainees

a group of young children

Congratulations Jennifer, Kylie and Awar! Each of these job seekers has recently landed a traineeship in Early Childhood Education and Care with thanks to the Sydney South West Local Jobs Program and Kool Kids Training College.

Meet our team: Nessrin Safkouni


“To see job seekers, who have arrived in Australia with little or no English language skills, settled into a job makes me very happy. I feel very proud of them because I know it’s not easy to move to another country and start a new life.”

Congratulations Payge

hands helping child to do up shoelaces

“I have a great sense of responsibility teaching them at such an impressionable and important age. Toilet training, tying shoelaces, just seeing the look on their faces when they finally achieve doing it themselves. You can only get that feeling of satisfaction and enjoyment from kids.”

Industries in Demand: Construction

construction hats

Our ‘Industries in Demand’ series highlights individual industries experiencing a high demand for labour and the types of jobs they offer. The first in our series covers the Construction Industry.

Retail Ready Jobs Program

Retail workers wearing masks

Well done to our job seekers completing the study phase of their Retail Ready Jobs program. We look forward to supporting them in their practical placements soon.

Congratulations graduates!

woman with down syndrome and her support worker planting a tree

Six of our job seekers graduated on 22 December after completing a seven-week online Disability Support Worker program thanks to the Cerebral Palsy Alliance and Generation Australia.