Author: Sandra Harries

Congrats to our Movember 2024 Winners

Tom and Cayle

A BIG thank you to all staff who made time and effort to participate in our Movember ‘Best Moustache Competition’ and congratulations to our winners, Tom and Cayle.

International Day of People with Disability 2024

Hayley and Petrice from Trilogy

Yesterday, Global Skills had the privilege of attending the International Day of People with Disability (IDPwD) celebration at Jordy’s Place on the Central Coast. The event was organised by Unisson Disability and Global Skills partner, the Trilogy Foundation.

TtW Job Seekers Graduate Rail Infrastructure Pre-Employment Program

Congratulations to Global Skills TtW job seekers Bailey, Elias, and Orlando for successfully completing the Rail Infrastructure Pre-Employment Program, with thanks to certified Supply Nation Supplier 100% Indigenous owned RTO YAKKA and Gosford RSL.

Transgender Awareness Week 2024

Text reading Transgender Awareness Week, featuring the trans flag within the letters, on a navy blue background. Image includes our Welcome Here membership logo.

As a proud supporter of ACON’s Welcome Here Project, Global Skills is committed to making a positive impact in our communities for all LGBTQIA+ people. This includes raising awareness of transgender and gender diverse individuals, the challenges they face and how we can all be better allies.

Mental Health Awareness Month: Stronger Together Event 2024

Photo of event organisers

Last Wednesday, in recognition of Mental Health Awareness Month, Global Skills was proud to partner with Uniting NSW/ACT, headspace Chatswood, and Willoughby Council to host an inaugural ‘Stronger Together – Youth & Community Wellness’ event at Chatswood Mall.

Mya’s Story: “I Found TtW Really Helpful”

Mya, a participant in Global Skills Transition to Work (TtW) program, wasn’t sure of her career direction once she finished school. She had been working in retail while studying but eventually found herself looking for something new.

Jesse’s Story

Hands from a food truck window passing salad rolls to another set of hands

When job seeker Jesse joined Global Skills Disability Employment Services, she was determined to gain work despite physical challenges from previous cancer treatment.