Author: Sandra Harries

Carly’s Story: I’d Lost Touch With How to Apply for Jobs 

Female hand scanning a barcode on a label attached to a box

The Work Readiness Team and Global Skills gave me the guidance I needed and the confidence that there are employers out there who want to hire people with my skills, including those who have been justice involved.

Lana’s Journey Back to Work

Lana wearing her uniform which includes the Residenz logo

When Lana joined Global Skills Lake Haven in 2022, she was seeking support to navigate a dramatically changed job search landscape since looking for work as a teenager.

Global Skills Collaborates for Mental Health Month Event

hands reaching in towards the middle to words which read, 'stronger together: youth and community wellbeing event

In NSW, Mental Health Month is observed annually throughout October. In recognition of this important month, Global Skills has partnered with Uniting NSW/ACT, Headspace Chatswood, and Willoughby Council to host an event called ‘Stronger Together – Youth & Community Wellness’.

Creating Diversity in NSW’s Largest Industries: Professional Scientific and Technical Services

An icon representing the Professional Scientific and Technical Industry within a map of NSW, set against a dark navy background. The icon is a computer monitor with an arrow pointing to the right.

In New South Wales, the Professional Scientific and Technical Services industry is the second largest, following Health Care and Social Assistance. This industry covers a wide range of services, such as scientific research, architecture, engineering, computer system design, legal and accounting services, advertising and market research, veterinary care, and professional photography.

Congratulations to Our Business Graduates at Global Skills St Marys

Congratulations to all job seekers who recently completed their Certificate III in Business at Global Skills St Marys. A big thank you to the National College of Vocational Education (NCVE) for delivering this face-to-face course and for the extra training support for our job seekers throughout the course.

National Week of Deaf People 2024

A woman using sign language in recognition of National Deaf Week

This week, 23-29 September, we’re celebrating National Week of Deaf People in Australia. It’s a week dedicated to recognising and honouring the Deaf community, aligning with International Week of Deaf People and International Day of Sign Languages.

R U OK? Day 2024

Group photo of our Lake Haven staff all with yellow ribbons attached to their clothing

Today, 12 September, is R U OK? Day, and the 2024 theme, ‘Ask R U OK? Any Day,’ reminds us that checking in with each other is important not just today, but every day. At Global Skills, our teams wore yellow to show our commitment to fostering supportive environments where everyone feels comfortable talking about mental health.

Creating Diversity in NSW’s Largest Industries: Health Care and Social Assistance

Icon representing healthcare and social assistance within a map of NSW, set against a dark navy background

Health Care and Social Assistance is Australia’s largest industry. This can be attributed to several factors including an ageing population, more people with chronic conditions, increased health awareness, a focus on wellbeing and ongoing medical advancements. Since it employs the most people, it’s important for this industry to truly reflect the people it serves, including those with a disability.

Spinal Cord Injury Awareness Week 2024

Man in wheelchair working at a laptop

When celebrating strength in independence Global Skills recognises the power of employment in helping people with disability achieve their full potential.

Global Skills Joins Central Coast Future Choices Expo

Global Skills staff, Jennifer and Simon, at our Future Choices Expo stand behind a table displaying branded merchandise and flyers, showcasing our services.

Last week, Global Skills had the privilege of participating in the Central Coast Future Choices Expo, presented by Career Links, and run in conjunction with the National Disability Coordination Officer Program and the NSW Department of Education Support Teachers.