Author: Sandra Harries

Global Skills To Host Readygrad Information Session 

Readygrad flyer header including logo and pics of people talking

Are you ready to kickstart your professional career in Australia? Join us at Global Skills Hornsby for an exclusive Readygrad Professional Pathway Program information session.

Sydney South West Local Jobs Expo 2024

our stall with a staff member standing behind the table

Yesterday’s Sydney South West Local Jobs Expo was a wonderful opportunity for our team to showcase Global Skills employment services, take applications for current opportunities and collaborate with local employers and complimentary services in attendance.

Global Skills Wetherill Park Hosts Women’s Recruitment Drive

employers and Global Skills staff standing around our banner

Following the success of our recent Recruitment Drive in Picton, we’re proud to announce that Global Skills Wetherill Park hosted a similar event today with thanks again to Local Jobs Program Sydney South West.

Supporting Job Seekers On The Central Coast 

2 TtW staff sitting at our stall

Yesterday, Global Skills had the wonderful opportunity to participate in the Sydney North & West Local Jobs Essentials Day at Central Coast Leagues Club in Gosford.

Autism Awareness Month 2024

Autism ribbon made up of coloured jigsaw puzzle pieces

Numbers from The Australian Bureau of Statistics reveal that over 200,000 individuals in Australia are living with autism. For Global Skills, this information confirms the importance of creating opportunities for meaningful employment for all.