Category: Disability Employment Service

Autism Awareness Month 2024

Autism ribbon made up of coloured jigsaw puzzle pieces

Numbers from The Australian Bureau of Statistics reveal that over 200,000 individuals in Australia are living with autism. For Global Skills, this information confirms the importance of creating opportunities for meaningful employment for all.

Parents Helping To Shape The Services And Support We Offer

mother hugging child

On Tuesday, Global Skills had the privilege of hosting the first of three scheduled Parent Advisory Groups with the aim of providing a platform for discussions about the experience of parents who are looking to return or enter the workforce.

Preventing Workplace Hearing Loss

hand holding safety glasses

Sunday, 3 March, is World Hearing Day dedicated to raising awareness about preventing deafness and hearing loss. This provides an excellent platform for Global Skills to advocate for hearing health in workplaces, emphasising the significance of ear care and promoting awareness.

Global Skills DES Job seekers To Co-Design Mental Health Workshop

lightbulb in foreground - blurred background

Global Skills recognises the significance of mental wellbeing for all job seekers and is pleased to share a development in our commitment to holistic support – the co-design of a Mental Health Workshop alongside our Disability Employment Services (DES) job seekers.

Global Skills DES Advisory Groups

DES Advisory group in front of our banner

In our ongoing commitment to enhancing our Disability Employment Services (DES), Global Skills facilitated two DES Advisory groups late last year. The first group met at Global Skills St Marys and the second at Global Skills Fairfield.

Congratulations Michael


Congratulations to Global Skills Katoomba Disability Employment Services (DES) former job seeker Michael on sustaining employment for more than two years.

IDPwD: Join Global Skills at Day in the Park

Global Skills DES Manager Victoria at our stall

Join Global Skills Disability Employment Services Manager Victoria Wellard at Nurragingy Reserve Doonside today from10am to 2pm for ‘IDPwD Day in the Park and Disability Awards’. This free community event is hosted by Blacktown City Council to celebrate International Day of People with Disability (IDPwD).

Down Syndrome Awareness Month 2023

young down syndrome woman working in nursery

October marks Down Syndrome Awareness Month. A time to celebrate people with Down Syndrome and an opportunity for Global Skills to advocate diversity and inclusion in the workplace.

Dale’s Story: Matching Skills and Interests to a New Career


After developing Peripheral Vascular Disease, Dale faced the reality that he could no longer work in his chosen field. With the support of Global Skills Disability Employment Services (DES) and his employer, Dale embarked on a transformative journey finding a job that perfectly matched his interests and needs.