We set a goal and SMASHED IT!! 1371 of our job seekers have been placed into jobs in the last 50 days. Our goal was 500.
We set a goal and SMASHED IT!! 1371 of our job seekers have been placed into jobs in the last 50 days. Our goal was 500.
With significant skill and labour shortages within the Construction Industry predicted to intensify in coming years, Global Skills is encouraging employers to consider the inclusion of people with disability as potential employees.
The theme for 2022, Transformative Solutions for Inclusive Development, the role of innovation in fuelling an equitable world, includes a focus on increasing accessibility and reducing inequalities in workplaces that are inclusive and interested in promoting diversity in the workplace.
“I find Global Skills really helpful, especially Ven. He finds staff that are suitable for my vacant position every time. He does a great job. Ven also keeps in regular contact with me throughout the recruitment process. It’s very reassuring.”
In the lead up to the holiday season, many businesses in the Retail Industry will need to scale up staff quickly to meet extra demand. As Retail is one of Australia’s growth industries known to have significant labour shortages and high demand this may be proving a hard task. Global Skills is encouraging employers to consider the inclusion of people with disability as potential employees to help meet demand now and prepare for the future.
For current and future workforce needs, Global Skills Disability Employment Services (DES) can help your business access a large and diverse talent pool that is significantly under-represented in the Australian labour market.
In just 23 days, we have well and truly EXCEEDED our goal! We are extremely excited by the opportunities afforded to our job seekers and, with 27 days to go, are not about to rest.
Global Skills Performance Managers Chloe Butler (TtW) and Victoria Wellard (WFA, DES) are proud to be representing Global Skills at the NSW Youth Work Conference 2022.
Are you looking to hire staff? Your business may be eligible to receive up to $10,000 towards the cost of recruitment, including training and wages.
William recently celebrated six months of ongoing employment. He also took the time to write a heartfelt thank you for the support he received from Global Skills St Marys.