Extensive studies demonstrate the benefits of hiring people with disability, yet many employers remain unsure or require additional information to help with recruitment and support of their employees.
Extensive studies demonstrate the benefits of hiring people with disability, yet many employers remain unsure or require additional information to help with recruitment and support of their employees.
We are excited to announce that Global Skills’ Customer Support Centre (CSC) is now available for all job seekers, employers and community stakeholders to access.
In this inspiring video, Suzanne explains how the support provided by Global Skills Disability Employment Services, along with her employer, Inspire Care, has enabled new opportunities and increased self-confidence.
In recognition of World Autism Day, 2 April, Darius generously shares his story. He credits the support of our DES team with his sustained employment. He describes how he navigates workplace challenges and explained how his unique skillset is beneficial to his role.
As a proud supporter of International Women’s Day, Global Skills is excited to partner with Dress for Success Sydney to support our female, transgender, and non-binary job seekers.
Today, 18 February 2022, is International Asperger’s Day. A day which aims to raise awareness, educate the general population and highlight the challenges people with Asperger’s face. It’s also a day to celebrate the achievements of individuals living with Asperger’s. Individuals like Codie.
Our campaign, aimed at energising the local post-pandemic economy, received tremendous support from employers across the Greater Sydney and Blue Mountains region.
Today we celebrate International Day of People with Disability.
Global Skills proudly recognises the meaningful contribution to our workforce from all employees living with a disability.
Employees like Mina.
“In the past I experienced issues at work. I often disclosed my disability too late and by then my work performance had already been impacted.”
Looking for disability services relevant to you?
The Australian Government’s Disability Gateway is a free, Australia-wide service dedicated to helping people living with disability, their families and carers find trusted information and connects them to services in their area.