Youth Advisory Group participants with Chloe and Hayley

Global Skills Youth Advisory Group Holds 2nd Meeting

Yesterday, we held the second meeting of Global Skills’ Youth Advisory Group, with 5 young people from Gosford and 2 from Wyong in attendance.

The Youth Advisory Group gives young people a voice, providing them with the opportunity to share their views and challenges. It informs the services we offer our Transition to Work (TtW) participants, helping to build a better tomorrow for young people living on the Central Coast.

Key topics discussed included the desire for ongoing opportunities for young people, the importance of receiving feedback on job applications and the need for more affordable transport and accommodation options.

A big thank you to all the young people who participated, including TtW participant Maddie, who shared her appreciation: “I love literally everything about Global Skills. The reason I have a job is because of Hayley.”

Thank you also to our facilitators, TtW Performance Manager Chloe Butler and Senior Employment Consultant Hayley Khoury.