Tag: disability employment services

Global Skills at Fairfield Community Essentials Day

Robert and Martin from Global Skills alongside Natalie Whitton and Hannah Keno from Local Jobs.

On Wednesday, Global Skills had the pleasure of attending the Fairfield Community Essentials Day, hosted by Sydney South West Local Jobs. It was a day dedicated to helping job seekers access a wide range of essential services, all in one place.

Jesse’s Story

Hands from a food truck window passing salad rolls to another set of hands

When job seeker Jesse joined Global Skills Disability Employment Services, she was determined to gain work despite physical challenges from previous cancer treatment.

Creating Diversity in NSW’s Largest Industries: Professional Scientific and Technical Services

An icon representing the Professional Scientific and Technical Industry within a map of NSW, set against a dark navy background. The icon is a computer monitor with an arrow pointing to the right.

In New South Wales, the Professional Scientific and Technical Services industry is the second largest, following Health Care and Social Assistance. This industry covers a wide range of services, such as scientific research, architecture, engineering, computer system design, legal and accounting services, advertising and market research, veterinary care, and professional photography.

National Week of Deaf People 2024

A woman using sign language in recognition of National Deaf Week

This week, 23-29 September, we’re celebrating National Week of Deaf People in Australia. It’s a week dedicated to recognising and honouring the Deaf community, aligning with International Week of Deaf People and International Day of Sign Languages.

Global Skills Picton Hosts Women’s Recruitment Drive

employers and Global Skills Staff standing around our banner

Last week, Global Skills Picton hosted a Recruitment Drive dedicated to supporting women looking to enter or re-enter the workforce with thanks to Local Jobs Sydney South West.

Harmony Day 2024

3 of our staff in orange

Happy #HarmonyDay! Today, as Global Skills celebrates diversity, we’re reminded of the continuing theme: #EveryoneBelongs.

Parents Helping To Shape The Services And Support We Offer

mother hugging child

On Tuesday, Global Skills had the privilege of hosting the first of three scheduled Parent Advisory Groups with the aim of providing a platform for discussions about the experience of parents who are looking to return or enter the workforce.

Preventing Workplace Hearing Loss

hand holding safety glasses

Sunday, 3 March, is World Hearing Day dedicated to raising awareness about preventing deafness and hearing loss. This provides an excellent platform for Global Skills to advocate for hearing health in workplaces, emphasising the significance of ear care and promoting awareness.