“To see job seekers, who have arrived in Australia with little or no English language skills, settled into a job makes me very happy. I feel very proud of them because I know it’s not easy to move to another country and start a new life.”
“To see job seekers, who have arrived in Australia with little or no English language skills, settled into a job makes me very happy. I feel very proud of them because I know it’s not easy to move to another country and start a new life.”
“I have a great sense of responsibility teaching them at such an impressionable and important age. Toilet training, tying shoelaces, just seeing the look on their faces when they finally achieve doing it themselves. You can only get that feeling of satisfaction and enjoyment from kids.”
Our priority is to ensure the safety and continuity of service for our job seekers, employers and staff.
Victoria Wellard is the facilitator of Global Skills Youth Hub – a program for our job seekers aged 24 years and under.
Our campaign, aimed at energising the local post-pandemic economy, received tremendous support from employers across the Greater Sydney and Blue Mountains region.
Global Skills has invited Civil Training Australia and Staff Australia to deliver with our team an online employer event on Thursday the 16th December, at 10am, for all Global Skills job seekers.
Employer representatives, Damian and Michael will explain and share job opportunities for our job seekers across Greater Sydney including roles in Warehousing and Logistics such as pick packer, forklift driver and storeperson.
Last night, Global Skills Director Rebecca Nicholls attended the Nepean Zonta Club’s Annual Awards as a proud sponsor of the TAFE NSW Student of the Year Award – Nepean Campus 2020.
Today we celebrate International Day of People with Disability.
Global Skills proudly recognises the meaningful contribution to our workforce from all employees living with a disability.
Employees like Mina.
“In the past I experienced issues at work. I often disclosed my disability too late and by then my work performance had already been impacted.”
Looking for disability services relevant to you?
The Australian Government’s Disability Gateway is a free, Australia-wide service dedicated to helping people living with disability, their families and carers find trusted information and connects them to services in their area.