Tag: transition to work

Global Skills Extends Our Partnership with CatholicCare

CatholicCare counsellors and a Global Skills staff member standing in front of our GSPlus banner

Global Skills GSPlus service, in partnership with CatholicCare, is now offering face-to-face counselling sessions at Global Skills Gosford to support the mental health of our job seekers on the Central Coast.

9 Central Coast Job Seekers Secure Spots In Hospitality PEP

job seekers sitting on chairs listening to presentation by employer

Congratulations to Global Skills Central Coast Job Seekers Shilo, Felicity, Soul, Sarah, Emma, Michelle, Jesse, Tiarna and Chanelle for securing spots in an upcoming Hospitality Pre-Employment program after attending the information session last week.

Congratulations Lam!

Lam holding a p-plate

Congratulations to Global Skills Transition to Work (TtW) job seeker Lam for gaining his Driver’s Licence – a key milestone that opened the door to his first ever job in his desired industry.

Personal Care Packs To Further Support Our Young People

our staff with personal care packs

Global Skills Lake Haven Transition to Work (TtW) team have been hard at work, packing personal care packs for our young people to be distributed across our TtW sites on the Central Coast.

Global Skills TtW Job Seekers Graduate Retail PEP

graduates at their stall with TtW manager Chloe

Congratulations to 6 Global Skills Transition to Work (TtW) job seekers who successfully completed a Smart and Skilled funded Retail pre-employment program with thanks to Gen U Training and Local Jobs Program Sydney North and West.

Congratulations Lily!

lily with her employer and a ttw staff member

Congratulations to TtW job seeker Lily on reaching 6 months employment. Global Skills is grateful for the opportunity to be a part of your journey and celebrate this milestone.

TtW Job Seekers to Gain Cert III Supply Chain Operations

group of graduates

Congratulations to 13 Global Skills Transition to Work Program job seekers. All are on track to gain their Certificate III in Supply Chain Operations, in 7 weeks, with thanks to United Transport Solutions.

Take 5 with Global Skills TtW Lake Haven team

Global Skills Lake Haven team, Kate, Jess and Nikita

This week, we took 5 minutes to ask Employment Consultants Jess Miller, Kate Carter and Nikita Manning a few questions to help you get to know our Transition to Work (TtW) Lake Haven team.