Update for Global Skills’ job seekers
The Australian Government recently announced some changes to jobactive and Disability Employment Services.
To assist our job seekers understand these changes we have answered the most common questions we have received.
What are the main changes?
Compulsory face-to-face service delivery has been re-introduced for job seekers where it is safe to do so.
From 1 April 2021, job seekers in jobactive, Disability Employment Services and Online Employment Services need to complete 15 job searches a month.
From 1 July 2021, the minimum job search requirement for job seekers in jobactive, DES and Online Employment Services will return to the pre-COVID-19 requirement of 20 job searches per month.
What plans are in place to keep everybody safe?
To keep you and our staff safe we continue to implement a number of changes for all Global Skills’ offices.
Each office has a COVID Safety Plan in place. We are practicing the required 1.5 metres social distancing with no more than 1 person per 2 square metres.
Every job seeker will be asked if they are well prior to entering the office, be required to use the sanitiser placed at the front door and will be asked to register their visit via the NSW Service NSW App. We have re-configured every office to ensure that job seekers and staff can maintain social distancing.
If you are feeling unwell, you are waiting for a COVID test result or have been asked to isolate, please do not attend our office. Please call our office and speak to your Employment Consultant about an alternate date to attend. We may be able to conduct your appointment on the phone in certain cases, so just call and we can assist you.
You are welcome to wear a face mask to your appointment but it’s not compulsory.
How will Global Skills help job seekers with their job search?
All our offices will be open to job seekers to access our computers, with free Wifi and printers available. Please check with your local office to make sure that there is availability prior to attending. Global Skills is following the NSW Government guidelines regarding limits on the number of people who can attend at any given time.
Job seekers will continue to be given individual support to understand how to improve their job search using websites such as Jobsearch, Seek, Indeed and local job search networks. Our Marketing and Employment Consultant Teams are working around the clock with a large number of employers who are actively seeking staff, so we are keen to discuss all the various job opportunities with you.
We encourage our job seekers to upload their job search direct to their MyGov account through the Job Search Effort screen. Your Employment Consultant can help if you have any issues.
Each job seeker will have a monthly face to face appointment. This will allow us to get to know our job seekers in person to build a better quality connection and understanding any support requirements. Some monthly appointments may be possible via the phone.
What type of evidence do job seekers need to show that they have applied for jobs?
There are many types of evidence job seekers can upload:
How else can Global Skills support job seekers search for a job?
Every day our Employment Consultants and Marketing staff are connecting with employers who are looking to fill vacancies.
The NSW economy is gaining momentum. There are jobs out there!
Make sure your Employment Consultant is aware of the types of work you are looking for and keep in touch to see what jobs are available. Let us know if you have found work so we can adjust your appointments and discuss how we can help while before and after you start your new job.
What can job seekers do to help with their job search?
What are the other changes announced?
If a job seeker has been with registered for six months, and has not found work by October 2021, they will be required to participate in an activity such as a short training course or Work for the Dole, in addition to their job search activities.